What’s your dream?

About 9 months ago, during a coaching class I was co-leading, we asked the question “what is your dream?” As I introduced the exercise, I named MY dream – to stand atop Mount Kilimanjaro. At the time, the idea was simply a whisper rattling around in the back of my head. Saying it out loud, the whisper moved to the forefront of my brain eventually morphing into a deep rich voice.

Not long after, I was all in! I recruited friends to join me, we have purchased plane tickets, hired a trekking company and I am “training” for the adventure (which will be in February). The word training is in quotes because up until now, I haven’t been a hiker. I am figuring it out as I go along and am hopeful that whatever I am doing is considered training!

So why Kilimanjaro? Why not start with something closer and more manageable? For me, the bigger the better. I love the idea of attempting something that I am not quite sure I can accomplish. The stretch is the fun part for me.

 There are lots of directions I could go with this blog post. For now, I’ll simply leave it at:

 What is YOUR dream?


Standing at the Edge


There is no “right”