Be More Like Trump?!


How is it that Donald Trump can lie day after day, yet millions of people find him trustworthy?

Trump’s super power is that he shows us the most authentic version of himself  – the good, the bad, and the ugly – at all times. We tend to trust people who we believe are showing up unapologetically themselves.

Trump is not playing the role of president. He is being himself every minute of every day. Actually, that’s not true. On the rare occasion Trump reads from a teleprompter, he seems so out of his comfort zone – so inauthentic – that it’s uncomfortable to witness.

What we know about leaders, those people who inspire others and influence change, is that they are most magnetic when being their true selves - not a version of what someone thinks they should be.

To that end, Trump’s base is not being duped. In fact, people from both sides of the aisle can rely on and “trust” that he is who he says he is.

Does this super power make Trump a great leader? Since he lacks empathy, vision, courage, and integrity, I would argue absolutely no. But his super power does make him magnetic and “trustworthy” enough for millions of people to support him.

So, am I suggesting that you be more like Trump? If you want to be magnetic then the answer is Yes. But since that sounds so cringeworthy let’s simply leave it at... Be more like YOU!





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